Russian Big Muff Mods

I have a re-issue Russian Big Muff, which is great and all, but because of the cheap jacks used and corners cut; after a few years of use I had to totally re-vamp mine.  The jack plugs are plastic and they needed to be replaced, and the circuit board needed to be mounted in a new way. has a great step-by-step tutorial on how to do this mod on your own here:

 I also wanted to tweak the sound of my Muff.  There are tons of snips and part replacements you can do with these pedals.  Lots of them can be found here:

I did an Emitter mod on mine.

The Emitter mod removes two ground emitter resistors (R12 & R16). And replaces them with jumpers (regular wire) This will slightly increase the gain of the unit

Lastly, I replaced the foot-switch with a 3PDT switch to wired the pedal as true bypass.  (Taking the circuit completely out of the line when it's not engaged.)  This is a fairly easy mod you can do on many pedals.  Some info on how to do it here: at

And Beavis Audio has a great site about it here:

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